U.S. v. Auernheimer, No. 13-1816 (3d Cir. 2013) After consulting with appellant Andrew Auernheimer’s (weev) counsel this morning, the government filed the following reply to weev’s opposition to the government’s motion for a stay of the briefing schedule and a word count extension. After discussing it with the government, weev’s counsel consented to an extension of time until September 20, 2013 for the government to file its opposition brief. Weev’s counsel still objects to the government’s request for a word count extension. Should the Court grant the word count extension, the government consented to an increase in the word count for weev’s reply brief. Gov. Reply Mot for Extension 8.6.13]]]]> ]]>
Webinar Invite: Michael Hassard joins a virtual panel on Intellectual Property and Smart Contracts – Oct 20, 2022 3pm ET
Firm Associate Michael Hassard will be part of a virtual panel discussion on on Intellectual Property (IP), Smart Contracts, Branding, and Usage Rights. October 20, 2022 at 3pm Eastern. Sign up to attent.