United States v. Swartz. On January 11, 2013, the Defendant, Aaron Swartz, committed suicide after being indicted for multiple Computer Fraud and Abuse Act violations. Mr. Swartz’s estate moved the Court to modify the protective order to release discovery to members of Congress investigating the prosecution as well as the public. The Court agreed to allowed the modification but agreed to the government’s request that identifying information and computer network security information be redacted from any production. Judge Gorton gave the parties until May 27, 2013, to submit a proposed modified protective order. (Tor) United States v. Aaron Swartz, 11-CR-10260 (D. Mass.) Swartz Protective Order Decision 5.13.13]]]]> ]]>

Webinar Invite: Michael Hassard joins a virtual panel on Intellectual Property and Smart Contracts – Oct 20, 2022 3pm ET
Firm Associate Michael Hassard will be part of a virtual panel discussion on on Intellectual Property (IP), Smart Contracts, Branding, and Usage Rights. October 20, 2022 at 3pm Eastern. Sign up to attent.