FanTrips TTAB Refusal TTAB sustains the opposition to applicant’s registration for the trademark “FANTRIP” in connection with fan-based travel services. Opposer had been using the brand name “FAN TRIPS” in connection with its own fan-based travel services. When you are seeking registration of your trademark, consider: Is your proposed trademark inherently distinctive, or does it merely describe your goods or services? Is another entity using a same or similar trademark that is likely to cause confusion? h/t]]]]> ]]>
Webinar Invite: Michael Hassard joins a virtual panel on Intellectual Property and Smart Contracts – Oct 20, 2022 3pm ET
Firm Associate Michael Hassard will be part of a virtual panel discussion on on Intellectual Property (IP), Smart Contracts, Branding, and Usage Rights. October 20, 2022 at 3pm Eastern. Sign up to attent.