U.S. v. Auernheimer, No. 13-1816, requesting permission to exceed the normal word limit for an opposition brief on appeal. The normal limit for an opposition brief is 14,000 words. The motion states that “[t]he [appellant’s] brief raises serious substantive challenges to the Government’s prosecution of Mr. Auernheimer, and several of the legal issues raised are questions of first impression in this Circuit.” The motion also notes that four amicus briefs on behalf of appellant Andrew Auernheimer (weev) were filed. Therefore, the government argues, they should be permitted to file a brief containing 26,500 words and the briefing schedule should be stayed until the Court decides the motion. Here’s the motion: US Mot for Word Extension 8.6.13 (TE)]]]]> ]]>
Webinar Invite: Michael Hassard joins a virtual panel on Intellectual Property and Smart Contracts – Oct 20, 2022 3pm ET
Firm Associate Michael Hassard will be part of a virtual panel discussion on on Intellectual Property (IP), Smart Contracts, Branding, and Usage Rights. October 20, 2022 at 3pm Eastern. Sign up to attent.