“Computer researchers are constantly afraid that a security test they run is going to run them afoul of the law,” Tor Ekeland, an attorney who specializes in defending people accused of violating the CFAA, told me. “This law makes the Internet less safe because it chills legitimate information security research and it’s bad for the economy because it chills innovation.”
Tor Ekeland, The Washington Post – “The Cybersecurity 202: There’s finally a Supreme Court battle coming over the nation’s main hacking law” (4/24/2020)
Webinar Invite: Michael Hassard joins a virtual panel on Intellectual Property and Smart Contracts – Oct 20, 2022 3pm ET
Firm Associate Michael Hassard will be part of a virtual panel discussion on on Intellectual Property (IP), Smart Contracts, Branding, and Usage Rights. October 20, 2022 at 3pm Eastern. Sign up to attent.